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Chinese translation for "filamentous algae"


Related Translations:
filamentous:  菌丝的曼斯锹型虫如丝的丝性的丝状的;细的丝状体型;丝状的细丝的细丝状的纤维所成的纤维状的线细的
filamentous phage:  丝状噬菌体
filamentous capsid:  丝状衣壳
filamentous bacteria:  丝状菌丝状细菌
filamentous desmosome:  纤维桥粒
filamentous bulking:  丝状膨胀
filamentous colony:  丝状菌落
filamentous alga:  丝藻类
filamentous actin:  (纤)丝状肌动蛋白丝状集蛋白
filamentous yeast:  丝状酵母菌
Example Sentences:
1.Examples include filamentous algae such as spirogyra , and waterweeds like the canadian pondweed ( elodea )
2.The vegetative body of the filamentous algae ( e . g . spirogyra ) , composed of a line of similar cells joined by their end walls
丝状体: 2 .丝状藻类的植物体(如水绵) ,由一列相似的细胞彼此通过端壁连接而成。
Similar Words:
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